
Acting Head of Tolambo Village in Poso Spotlighted When Participating in RI Anniversary Ceremony Not Wearing PDU Clothes, Here's the Reason - Metro Sulteng

METRO SULTENG- Honoring the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) in all regions of the country by carrying out celebration ceremonies in neat clothes or in accordance with existing regulations.This ceremony also took place lively in Poso Regency. All Regional Government officials, all non-government agencies, even village heads were present to celebrate Independence Day.

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Acting Head of Tolambo Village in Poso Spotlighted When Participating in RI Anniversary Ceremony Not Wearing PDU Clothes, Here's the Reason - Metro Sulteng

But unfortunately, there is an Acting Village Head, Hermanto Baturangka, Tolambo Village, Southeast Pamona District, Poso Regency who is suspected of not being disciplined in dressing.

According to information from sources and the results of media monitoring, PJ Kadesh Tolambo was present at the 78th Republic of Indonesia Independence Day ceremony without wearing white clothes (PDU).This was allegedly not in accordance with the invitation's clothing instructions.

Likewise, as seen from the post by the TikTok account @hermantobaturangka, it appears that the acting village head of Tolambo, who has ASN status, is wearing an ASN Keki shirt with the Garuda symbol on his chest, wearing a black cap.

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Sources said that the acting Tolambo village head's attitude was not disciplined in dressing and did not respect the instructions in the invitation letter.

"He is a village head, especially with civil servant status, and is not disciplined in wearing clothes," said a source who did not want to reveal his identity.

This, he said, should be an evaluation of the Regional Government of Poso Regency, the Regional Secretary and related agencies should be warned so that in the future it does not happen again.

"It is clear in the invitation letter that the village head will wear a complete white shirt (PDU) during the ceremony," said the source.

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Regarding this matter, Hermanto, the Acting Head of Tolambo Village, who was confirmed, explained that his party had asked permission from their superiors (District Head,-ed.) and was excused because they did not have PDU clothes.

"We have asked for permission regarding the use of these clothes, we haven't had time to sew them because at any time we might change them," said Hermanto when contacted by Metrosulteng via telephone.

This has also been understood by the sub-district head, he understands our condition in Tolambo Village.

"He gave me orders that were important to be neat and nice to look at," said Herman quoting a message from his leader.***

Acting Head of Tolambo Village in Poso Spotlighted When Participating in RI Anniversary Ceremony Not Wearing PDU Clothes, Here's the Reason - Metro Sulteng

Pdu Rackmount Shophouse Complex, Jln.Rajamoili Block E/C1, Kel.West Besusu, District.East Palu, Palu Municipality, Central Sulawesi, Postal Code 94111 085298532917